Even bugs are baffled by a zebra’s stripes

The black-and-white-striped body of a zebra creates an optical illusion. In a herd it is difficult to see exactly where one zebra stops and another begins. This can be a challenge for the predators like lions. Zebras are plagued by biting insects, but bizarrely they are unlikely to be bitten by the blood-sucking bugs – Tsetse flies. The stripes baffle the bugs.

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Brando before ‘The Godfather’

Everybody’s image of Marlon Brando seems to be Don Corleone in The Godfather (1972). But not only was Marlon a Hollywood legend, he was also one of the best-looking stars of the 1950s. Vivian Leigh as the insecure older sister and Marlon’s close friend Karl Malden play an ample supporting cast in the movie A Streetcar Named Desire directed by Elia Kazan. The movie which established Brando’s mumbling diction as a style in itself.

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