The invention of construction workers’ hard hats

The construction workers’ hats were invented by E.W. Bullard, who was inspired by the steel helmets he wore during World War I. He devised what is now known as ‘hard hats’. They were called so because they were made by steaming canvas and glue to make a hard material, which were then fashioned into hats. When the Hoover Dam was being constructed in 1931, the companies insisted on their workers wearing these hats for safety.

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His warfare tactics earned him the name Desert Fox

Erwin Rommel was a German Field Marshal in World War II. He was a highly decorated officer of World War I. His troops were known to treat the war prisoners humanely and never accused of war crimes. He was highly skilled in the art of desert warfare, which earned him the name Desert Fox. Hitler forced him to commit suicide by taking a cyanide pill.

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