The giant and majestic Pacific Ocean

Covering an area of approximately 16,62,43,550 square kilometers, the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. It occupies about one-third of the earth’s surface, and can fit all the continents of the world taken together. The basin of the ocean is also the oldest of all ocean basins; some of the earliest rocks present here are as old as 200 million years.

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Volcano that shoots up cold liquid

A cryovolcano shoots up cold liquid instead of lava. This cold liquid known as cryomagma is a mixture of water and methane or ammonia. The cryomagma becomes solid as soon as it hits the surface. Cryovolcanoes are found on icy moons. The Sotra Facula volcano on Titan, the moon of Saturn, is a dormant cryovolcano.

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