Who invented the first practical helicopter and when?

Prof. Henrich Focke, a German inventor, devised the first practical helicopter called the Focke-Wulf Fw 16, which was successfully flown in 1936.  By 1938 it set many world records for altitude, speed and flight duration. It could be flown by a pilot after only one hour of pilot briefing.

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Speed of a falling raindrop

A raindrop falls on the earth with varying speeds depending on its size and weight. The gravity acts on the falling raindrop and the drop picks up speed. But due to air resistance, which is generally proportional to the velocity, the raindrops attain a terminal speed. A larger raindrop would fall much faster at 9 metres per second whereas a smaller raindrop will fall at a much slower speed of 2 metres per second.

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What is the journey time to our nearest galaxy?

Andromeda, the galaxy closest to the Milky Way, is about 2.5 million light years away. To travel in space, we need to achieve the speed of light, which is about 3,00,000 kilometres per second. Even at that great speed, it will take us about 2 million years (not 2.5 million years due to an effect called time dilation) to reach Andromeda.

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