How the rhino got his skin, Rudyard Kipling explains

The rhino looks like it is wearing a coat of armour. Rudyard Kipling, in his story ‘How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin’, tells an interesting tale about how a Parsee called Pestonjee Bomonjee baked a magical cake and a rhinoceros ate it on an uninhabited Island on the Red Sea. When that happened, the rhinoceros had a smooth, even and figure-hugging skin.

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Longest gestation periods in the animal kingdom

The elephant has the longest gestation period at 22 months. This is longer than that of the blue whale, which is one year. Some species of dolphins have a gestation period of 17 months and sperm whales carry their young for up to 19 months. Rhinos have a gestation period of about 450 days. Owing to such long gestation, the population of these species are not quickly replenished.

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