Zebra stripes throw off predators

All zebras have black and white stripes, but they differ in their pattern. In fact, no two zebras have the same pattern. It is believed that the patterns can confuse a predator like a lion, when the zebras are in a herd, making it difficult to separate and kill a zebra.

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This super-predator bird darts at 241 kilometres per hour!

The  golden  eagle  (Aquila chrysaetos) is one of the largest birds of prey, a predator bird. It is mostly found in America and Mexico. The golden eagle is are very swift, and can dive upon its prey at a speed of more than 241 km per hour. All eagles have very sharp eyesight—four to five times stronger than a human with perfect vision. They can spot movement long distances away. An eagle can easily see a rabbit on the ground from 3 km away.

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