The giant and majestic Pacific Ocean

Covering an area of approximately 16,62,43,550 square kilometers, the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. It occupies about one-third of the earth’s surface, and can fit all the continents of the world taken together. The basin of the ocean is also the oldest of all ocean basins; some of the earliest rocks present here are as old as 200 million years.

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The longest underwater mountain range in the world

American geologist Bruce Heezer and oceanic cartographer Marie Tharp were researchers at the Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, New York. In the 1950s, they expedited with a crew across the Atlantic to gather data about the ocean floor from the ocean surface. The observations proved that there was in fact a chain of mountains, as high as halfway till the surface, under the ocean. They named it Mid-Atlantic Ridge, also known as MAR.

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The science of earthquakes

The earth is divided into three layers: the upper crust, the middle mantle and the innermost core. The upper crust is made of solid plates, called tectonic plates. Some plates are under the ocean too. The mantle is semi solid and the tectonic plates slide over the mantle, causing an earthquake. Every year over one million earthquakes shake the earth.

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