Perhaps the biggest extraterrestrial lake: Planet Mars

Utopia Planitia is the largest recognized impact basin on planet Mars. Recent researches conducted by the Shallow Radar (SHARAD) instrument have discovered aqueous deposit underneath. The thickness of this deposit ranges from 80 metres to 170 metres below the surface of the planet.  The content is spread in an area much greater than that of the seven sister states put together!

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Raindrops aren’t tear-shaped

What if snowflakes actually looked like pizza slices and hail stones resembled pretzels? In a research conducted as a part of NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement mission, scientists have discovered that raindrops look like hamburger buns!

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Exciting features of James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space telescope is a space telescope scheduled to be launched this decade. It has been designed to study the first formed galaxies. It would be able to see objects lying up to 1.5×106 km away from the earth. A sun shield will protect the telescope from the heat of the sun. (It is basically meant for maintaining a temperature of about – 225°C required for upkeep of the devices.)

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Landing on the moon – ‘… one giant leap for mankind’

Apollo 11 was the mission of NASA, which placed a human on a celestial body, the moon. The journey to the moon took three and a half days and carried three astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins. Armstrong said later: ‘We landed with a little less fuel than we would have liked to have had, maybe 20 seconds of fuel left.’ Armstrong and Aldrin stepped on the moon and Armstrong uttered the famous words ‘That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.’ After about two hours of moonwalking, they returned to the craft which was named Eagle. They left an inscription that said: ‘Here Men From The Planet Earth First Set Foot Upon the Moon, July 1969 A.D. We Came in Peace For All Mankind.’

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