India rules the pulses-and-beans market

Pulses and beans, belonging to the legume family, are responsible for feeding majority of the world’s poor. Grown abundantly in the tropics, they are cheap, high in nutrient content, and healthy. Beans are an important source of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and micronutrients. People in sub-Saharan Africa consume as much as 66 kilograms of pulses per person per year. Legumes are also necessary to sustain farming systems. They help in replenishing lost nutrients in the soil, thus cutting down on the need to use chemical fertilizers. In addition, they provide rich fodder for farm animals.

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Little mysteries of nail growth

Nail growth differs from person to person due to factors such as age, gender, health, weather, and hygiene. Fingernails grow much faster than toenails. A fingernail takes four to six months to grow from cuticle to tip, whereas toenails may take up to 12 to 18 months.

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What is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth called?

The word ‘arachibutyrophobia’ is derived from arachis, meaning peanuts. The full meaning of the word is fear of peanut oil sticking to the roof of the mouth. Arachis is a kind of oil found in many nuts and peanuts which stick to the roof of the mouth. In many cases, the saliva fails to dissolve this. A person is not able to extract the sticky thing, and thus faces embarrassment, especially in public places, and develops a fear of it.

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