Know the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by your wristwatch

Say it is 7.10 p.m. (IST) by your watch. IST is India Standard Time, which is 5 hrs 30 min ahead of GMT. So GMT would be 1.40 p.m. You turn your watch by 180° so that the minute hand is at the position of ‘8’ and the hour hand between ‘1’ and ‘2’. You may have to conceive the position of the hour hand very slightly ahead of where it actually stands. So there you are! The time is 1.40. It holds for any time. Make sure that your wristwatch has the hands, it should not be digital.

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Tap into these largest reservoirs in the world

Lake Volta has been created by the Akosombo Dam over the Volta River in Ghana. It has a surface area of about 8,502 km² (3,275 square miles), making it the largest reservoir in the world by surface area. It is the fourth largest in the world in terms of the volume of water it contains. The first largest is Lake Kariba over the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe, the second largest is Bratsk Reservoir over the Angara River in Russia and the third largest is Lake Nasser over the Nile River in Egypt.

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