How does a goldfish develop its colours?

The goldfish (Carassius auratus) belongs to the carp family to which the common carp or Koi fish belongs. It was originally domesticated as normal grey or silver fish by the ancient Chinese. In several cases, the grey fish produced mutated fish that was yellow, orange or red. The yellowish orange (golden) fish were chosen to be further domesticated by the Chinese. Today goldfish is kept in aquariums at homes throughout the world. When goldfish is kept in a dark room for many days, it turns white.

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What does the king in a deck of playing cards represent?

A deck of cards has 52 cards of different denominations starting from one to ten and four colours such as spades, clubs, hearts and diamonds. It has 4 types of court cards including King, Queen, and Jack. Interestingly, the Kings represent a real historical king. The king of Spades represents King David. The king of Clubs represents Alexander the Great. The king of Hearts represents Charlemagne, and the king of Diamonds represents Julius Caesar.

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