India rules the pulses-and-beans market

Pulses and beans, belonging to the legume family, are responsible for feeding majority of the world’s poor. Grown abundantly in the tropics, they are cheap, high in nutrient content, and healthy. Beans are an important source of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and micronutrients. People in sub-Saharan Africa consume as much as 66 kilograms of pulses per person per year. Legumes are also necessary to sustain farming systems. They help in replenishing lost nutrients in the soil, thus cutting down on the need to use chemical fertilizers. In addition, they provide rich fodder for farm animals.

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Telstar – the satellite that relayed the first transatlantic TV signals

In 1962 the satellite Telstar was developed by AT&T and it was placed in an orbit of 682 to 4,030 miles (i.e. 1,091 to 6,444 km) orbiting the earth in 2 hours 40 minutes. The first transatlantic television signals were transmitted through Telstar. With the launch of Telstar, wireless communications, such as voice, television, fax and data transfer were carried out between UK, Brazil, France, Italy and the US.

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The iconic Pelé–Bobby Moore jersey exchange of 1970

In the 1970 World Cup football match between Brazil and England, Brazil won 1–0. After the match, the two great players, Bobby Moore and Pelé exchanged jerseys as a token of mutual respect. Perhaps this incident set the tradition of exchange of jerseys among players in modern-day football. But after this there was a queer incident. All No. 10 jerseys meant for Pelé were stolen by a crazy fan and the situation became so much catastrophic so that before the next match against Rumania, the Brazilian team management had almost decided to ask Bobby Moore to return Pele’s jersey. However, that was ultimately not required.

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