Commercial and civil aviation in India

The history of commercial and civil aviation in India dates back to 18 February 1911. Frenchman Henri Pequet flew a biplane from Allahabad to Naini with about 6,500 letters to deliver. He covered the 10-km distance between the two cities in 13 minutes. This is considered the world’s first official airmail service.

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Which eminent personality died the same day as Mahatma Gandhi?

Orville Wright is considered as the ‘father of modern aviation’. Together with his brother Wilbur, he invented the first airplane. He developed flight technology for the  United States Army. Mahatma Gandhi, an international figure symbolizing peace, the Father of the Indian Nation, ushered in the Indian independence through non-violent means. Both Orville Wright and Mahatma Gandhi died on the same day, i.e. January 30, 1948.

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