The longest underwater mountain range in the world

American geologist Bruce Heezer and oceanic cartographer Marie Tharp were researchers at the Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, New York. In the 1950s, they expedited with a crew across the Atlantic to gather data about the ocean floor from the ocean surface. The observations proved that there was in fact a chain of mountains, as high as halfway till the surface, under the ocean. They named it Mid-Atlantic Ridge, also known as MAR.

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Niger Bend – The unusual geography

The Niger River in Africa is one of the world’s longest rivers traversing 4,168 km. It has an unusual geography having a boomerang shape with the northern part named the ‘Niger Bend’. The source is the Guinea Highlands and the river drains into the Atlantic ocean. Interestingly, the source and the mouth of the river are separated by just 240 km.

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