Can a computer daydream?

A virtual model of the brain which is capable of daydreaming just like human beings has been developed by scientists. The computer has been modelled on the dynamics of brain cells and the many connections these cells make with the cells in the brain. This is expected to be useful as a diagnostic tool for the treatment of brain injuries.

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What does the word ‘robot’ mean?

A robot is a machine that sometimes resembles humans and carries out routine mechanical tasks on command with human-like skill. The word robot has its origins in the Czech word robotnik, which means a serf or a slave. Robots are used mainly in factories and in those activities which a human might find difficult to handle, such as deep sea exploration, mining, etc. It is also used in space.

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Deep Blue, IBM’s supercomputer, versus Garry Kasparov

Deep Blue is a computer designed by the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). It was programmed to play chess. Deep Blue’s chess playing program is written in C and runs under AIX operating system. It is capable of evaluating 100 million positions per second. In 1996, it was defeated by Garry Kasparov, and in 1997 an upgraded version of Deep Blue defeated Kasparov.

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