The many gates of the city of Delhi

The gates of the walled city of Delhi were built by different rulers at different times. Delhi is an aggregate of nine cities. In the seventh city built by Shah Jahan, there were 14 gates. However, there are only five gates that are standing today. These are Ajmeri Gate facing Ajmer in Rajasthan; Lahori Gate…

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What is glacial ice?

Glaciers are formed at the North and South Poles and in high mountains, such as the Himalayas. Glaciers are sometimes known as rivers of snow. The snow remains for more than a year and as more snow falls, the lower layers get compressed, forming ice. This ice is called glacial ice. Glacial ice can be…

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IMF’s 3D therapy for improving economies

The International Monetary Fund suggested that the developing economies should deflate, devalue and deregulate for enhancing their economic status. It means: deflate the prices of goods and services to keep them at the minimum level, devalue the local currency, and deregulate by encouraging liberalization and privatization with minimum government intervention.

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