What's What Team

What is entomophagy?

The practice of people eating insects is called entomophagy. It has been practised for centuries throughout Africa, Australia, Asia, the Middle East, and North, Central and South America. This is because many bugs are both protein-rich and good sources of vitamins, minerals and fats.

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Tongue prints for identification

Every person, including identical twins, has a unique eye and tongue print along with their finger print. Tongue prints are as distinctive as eye and finger prints.  The technique of biometry is being used to identify individuals using the uniqueness of the iris. Nowadays, tongue prints are also being considered for biometrics, since tongues are…

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What are corals?

Corals are small colourful marine animals that are found in the seas. They build the coral reefs. Their exoskeletons provide the structure of the reefs. The reefs are of high ecological importance. Corals grow very slowly at the rate of about one centimetre a year.

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